Introducing The Blue Collection: Supporting NHS Charities Together
Rapport is proud to introduce our favourite products from watch boxes to make-up pouches to our Blue Collection. Elegant, sophisticated accessories for your watch is about to serve another great cause. This month, we are donating 20% of our total sales from The Blue Collection to NHS Charities Together. Each piece bought from Blue Collection will contribute to supporting NHS who have done a heroic job fighting the coronavirus over the past year.
NHS Charities Together is a membership organisation representing, supporting and championing NHS Charities. Giving £1 million everyday so that people can stay well longer and get better faster, these funds are key for services that are above and beyond what the NHS alone can provide.
The priorities of the charity are to increase volunteers in GP practises, preventing illness, tackling health inequalities and backing our workforce. Volunteers in GP Practises help encourage patients to sign up for online bookings and use the blood pressure machine in receptions, increasing accessibility to healthcare resources. NHS Charities Together provides a forum for nationwide fundraising and advocacy campaigns; specialist advice and guidance; bespoke conferences and training opportunities, as well as access to online resources. We're proud to support NHS Charities Together this month to help to meet all strands of the NHS Long Term Plan.